
Niagara Syndrome

A man was traveling in a boat. Cool waters, dense trees swaying overhead along the banks of the river on either side, the twittering of the birds, gently wafting breeze, all this enchanted him and he was absorbed in the beauty of the place.

He allowed the boat to float of its own accord, along with the flow of the river. He never even glanced at the direction in which the boat was going. As the boat was floating effortlessly, he did not have to use the oars. It was very comfortable for him to travel in the boat without spending any energy and he was very happy.

After a while, the wind rose and boat began to move faster. The lazy fellow was now very happy.

`Oh, wow! My journey is very fast!’ he roared in pleasure. A little later, there was a distant roar, faintly audible. `Great, now nature is playing an orchestra for me!’

Suddenly the boat began to flounder and started to capsize towards a waterfall. Only when the boat slid down the roaring waterfall, did he realize what was happening. The river on which he was traveling was thundering downwards from a vast height in the form of Niagara waterfall!

Even as he tried in vein to control the boat with his oars, it was too late. There was no use for the oars. He could not prevent himself from falling down into the waterfall.

The lethargic mentality of this person is called `Niagara Syndrome.’

If you don’t plan, you will perish.

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