
An Angel's Visit

An  Angel's  Visit


Are  You Asleep  As I  Write  This ?

Dreams  On Into The Night ?

Are   You  Aware  She Has Been Here,

Seeing  What You Have Done Is Right ?



Did  You Hear Her  Footstep ?

Hear  Her  Very  Breath ?

Did  You  Hear Her Stop,

At  Your Place To Rest ?


I Have  Seen An  Angels  Wings,

Gently Brush Your Hand

She  Kissed It Good Bye

When She Left Tonight.



A Smile  Upon  Her Face,

The  Wind In  Her  Hair,

Her Style  Full Of Grace,

I Saw  Her Leaving  Here.



Are  You Asleep As I Write This ?

Dreams  On  Into The Night?

Are You Aware She  Has Been There,

                                                                    Seeing  What  You  Have Done Is Right?

Contributed by:
sanskriti_patel @ yahoo.com

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