
The Faith of an Atheist

An atheist and a believer had the same doctor. Every time they met in the doctor's waiting room, they would argue and end up insulting each other.

 "You really believe that you are going to be saved on Judgment Day and go up to heaven. Do you really believe everything you read in the Bible, and everything they told you in church?" said the atheist.

"I'm not certain of anything," the  believer replied.

"Like you I have  doubts. But I still have hope."        

"But I don't have doubts," the  atheist cried. "I have only  certainties. For example, I can assure  you that God has nothing to do with the  ache in your knee, and that He doesn't  care in the least how you feel."        

"You don't know what you're talking  about. And do you know something? You  are a believer too. I can prove it to  you."        

"Really? That I'd like to see!"        

"Will you be straightforward and  answer my questions honestly?"        

"Of course. I'm an honest atheist."         

"Okay. Can you tell me what the name  of the doctor is who you came to see?"        

"Well no, he's not here. And I can't  pronounce the replacement's name."        

"Well, when you leave his office,  will you check the prescription he  gives you for mistakes, like you would  a lottery ticket?"        

"No, of course not. The doctor knows  what he's doing."        

"Are you a close friend of the  pharmacist who is going to fill the  prescription?"        

"No, I go to a big pharmacy, and I  rarely get served by the same person."        

"Do you know what medication the  doctor is going to give you, and what  its side effects are?"       


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"And yet you are going to take it,  aren't you?"        


"Well, dear friend, I am happy to  announce that you too are a man of  faith!"   

Many of us behave like the atheist:  we don't understand how believers can  have blind faith in their God, and we  often find their fervor ridiculous.        And yet, we also have well  established beliefs, and not only when  we go to see the doctor!        Think about it: without faith,  without any certainties, life would be  impossible. We sometimes have to have  blind faith to survive.

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