
The Therapeutic Back Rub

Is your partner often worn out or stressed, after coming from work? Know for sure, it is the time to give him/her a nice back massage. Giving a good massage provides therapeutic relief to a person, boosting the energy levels and relaxing the parched nerves. Apart from relieving a person from pain, anxiety and stress, massage also tones up the body and increases physical intimacy. The other benefits of body massage include increased body awareness, emotional comfort, enhanced circulation and improved lymphatic drainage for release of toxins.

Giving A Good Back Massage

Warm-up Session

* The first step would be to arrange the set up or the place where the massage would be given. Arrange a soft, comfortable bed or futon and instruct the person to lie down on his/her stomach. Make sure that there is enough room for you to move around the body.

* Now, start the warm up session. Using the tips of your fingers, gently massage the back, in slow circular motions, moving up and down the side of the spine. Concentrate on the left and right of the spine and on the sides as well.

* Once the spinal area is done, you need to move up, towards the shoulders. Apply some pressure in slow circles, over the shoulder blades and up towards the neck.


After the muscles have loosened and become warm, you can start with the massage.

* First, you need to first choose the massage oil or lotion. There are umpteen varieties available in the market. Get the one that releases a pleasant fragrance and is light in texture.

* Now, pour some oil on the back of the person. Remember, you need enough oil to ensure that your hands smoothly glide over the back. Do not overdo, as excess oil would prove hard to remove, later on.

* Start from the lower back in slow strokes, applying medium pressure, and move upwards. Continue this until you reach the top of the shoulders. It would help the person relax even more.

* Now, massage in the specific regions. Slowly and steadily, press the knots and the tight spots.

* Frequently, get the feedback from the person. Ask him/her, if he is feeling better and relaxed. If anything is hurting the person, make sure he/she lets you know.

Warm-down Session

* Once the massage is done, get to the warm-down session. Essentially. it is just the opposite of the warm up session.

* In it, you basically reduce pressure, until you are doing nothing other than rubbing the back.

Types Of Massage Strokes

The Fan Stroke

In this, you put the palms on the mid-back, with the fingers away from the spine. Apply pressure on the sides of the spine, rather than directly pressing on it. Proceed upwards, until you reach the shoulder blades and neck and then move back to the ribs.

The Circling Hands

In this type of massage stroke, the hands lay flat on the back, with the fingers moving in clockwise motion on the lower back. As you move up the back, move the hands and fingers in anticlockwise motion. Make sure that the hands are directed at the sides, away from the spine. Remember, the right hand is used to massage the left side and the left hand is used to massage the right side.


Petrissage is the motion of the hands and fingers in a way that would press the flesh and muscle. Using one hand, hold a muscle group and tightly press it. When one of the portions is done, move to the next muscle group. Repeat the process, until you have covered all areas of the back, from low to high and left to right. Now, alter the hand and repeat the process.


In this technique, the hands rest on the shoulder, with the fingers wide apart. The hands are moved down the back, 'raking' the flesh. After this, one hand moves upwards and the other downwards, simultaneously. Repeat the process, altering the direction of hands.

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