
Sarita’s Baby

Contributed by: Natarajan Gurumuthy (gnatarajan53 @ gmail.com)

Sarita and Sanjay were married for six years. They were a happy and healthy couple with both of them working.

Sanjay's mom was worried that she was not blessed with a grandchild and what began as oblique hints grew into direct suggestions. She asked them to consult a gynecologist which they did promptly. The doctor that nothing was wrong with both of them and the delay happens in a few cases. She asked them to keep trying and soon they would have a baby. Almost a year had passed. Both of them decided to adopt one. They went to an adoption centre cum orphanage. They found a charming young girl of a year old. Both of them took instant liking for the child named Pinky when they first saw her. When Sanjay gave her a bundle of chocolates, she looked at Sarita for approval. This clinched the matter. The person in charge of adoption centre said they may have to wait for four or five months for some formality to be over in the instant case. He suggested that if they want some child immediately, they can choose another. There are other couples waiting to adopt Pinky. But the couple decided to wait. They were allowed to visit the child frequently, get her gifts and eatables. Sanjay handed out a good amount as donation for the charitable work they are doing.

It was two months later Sarita found herself sick with nausea. The doctor confirmed she was in family way. This gladdened their hearts and when they broke the news to his mom, she promptly said "Cancel the adoption. Tell them you have your own. Why bring a child whose parentage is unknown. The baby could be from a very low class."Sanjay said "Why do you talk like this? It was only at your behest we went there and chose the child. Why do you talk about parentage now after you know Sarita is expecting?"

Sarita said in a determined tone "I have decided to adopt Pinky, no matter what, Sanjay. Let us go today and speed up the matters. I want the girl within a month with us here."

Sanjay's ma intervened to say "What if your child to be born is also a girl? Would you like to have two girls?"

"What if? I have decided to have that girl whatever gender the new baby would be. This is an unexpected bonus. There is no further thought on this matter" said Sarita to seal the matter.

Soon the Pinky, whom they named Mona, came home adding joy to the parents. Sanjay's mom was determined in her mind that the new baby would be a girl and that his son was committing a mistake listening to his wife.

It was two months later when Sarita developed some problem, she was rushed to a nursing home.Sanjay's mom and Sanjay were waiting anxiously with the former expecting the news of birth of a baby girl. A nurse soon came out to announce that Sarita is doing well after giving birth to a still born baby boy.

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