
The Effects of FIR On The Human Body

Since FIR (FIR) are able to hatch the eggs of insects, sea turtles, chickens and other animals, causing them to develop blood vessels, nerves, skeleton, skin and feathers, it can similarly cause changes to the human body. Our bodies are made up of cells, and the most important ingredient in cells is water. Water makes up 65% to 70% of mass of the human body. The cells in the body in turn forms the various organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, blood vessels, nerves, bones and skin. Just as FIR are able to cause the albumen and egg yolk to develop into various organs, it is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen the various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed.


For more details on FIR per se, please visit http://reachtechnology.blogspot.com


In the various organs of the human body, the circulatory system plays an important role, especially the micro-circulatory system. It is basis of the sustenance of life because if it deteriorates, death is likely to follow. When there are problems with the micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur. FIR vibrating at a frequency similar to that of the human body is able to penetrate to the body, activate the cells and reactivate as well as strengthen the micro-circulatory systems. It regulates the blood flow and blood in blood vessels which have been blocked due to blood clots and at the same time reactivate the vital energy in the body. That is why we say that FIR are able to regulate the blood circulatory systems of the body, especially that of the micro-circulatory system.


The various activities of the human body depends on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us energy and help sustain our lives. At the same time, waste matters which are produced after the nutrients have been absorbed have to be removed from the body. The process is known as metabolism. The metabolic rate of each individual is an indicator of his/her health. If we wish to have a healthy life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate. FIR area able to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system. When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of FIR, it will naturally improve our metabolism. As such, the second benefit that FIR provides for the human body is the elevation of metabolism thus improving energy and vitality.


Its third benefit is elevation of the immunity of our bodies against diseases. This is part of the effects of the improvement in the micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the aging process, increase resistance against diseases and increases longevity.


The Benefits Of FIR Health Products:


Today, with the continuous advance in science and technology, we have further understood the effects of FIR and through research, we have discovered bio-ceramic which can be used in the manufacture of various health products. This has been great leap forward by modern science and technology and such products are hi-tech products.


Bio-ceramics is raw material which is capable of emitting large amounts of FIR. Under specific conditions and influence of the temperature of the human body, and due to unique molecular structure, it continuously emits FIR of a specific range of wavelength ( 6 -14 micron). This exactly the type of FIR with the right wave length range required by the human body. It is type of FIR that activates the various biological functions of the human body. We call this type of raw material "Bio-ceramics".


As it only this type of FIR, it does not cause any harmful effects to the human body. FIR health products produce two different effects on the human body.


The first effect is that of strengthening the body and up keeping health, thus preventing diseases. The other effect is its therapeutic effect on the human body which is capable of treating various common ailments. This form of therapy is based upon strengthening the resistance of the human body against diseases, this reducing suffering and accelerating recuperation. Its is a form of therapy based on health-keeping principles. It is different from chemotherapy and surgery. It is common for doctors in various hospitals to use FIR as a form of physiotherapy.


Its second effect is in the treatment of common ailments.

We are faced with various ailments in our daily lives, FIR health products are able to provide therapeutic effects for such ailments. The following are a few examples of common ailments :


Swelling of the Prostate Gland in Men  It is common for men to suffer from swollen Prostate Gland, especially men in their forties. It has become an inconvenience to them and common symptoms include weakness and difficulty in the excretion of urine, nutria and in serious cases, inability to urinate. At the same time, it may lead to a decline in sexual functions.


Those who suffer from the swelling of the Prostate Gland normally also suffer from Prostatitis or even cancer of the Prostate Gland and is one of the common killer of men.

The prostate gland is the organ responsible for the production of male hormones and sperm and is very important to men.


The reason for occurrence of disorders of the Prostate Gland is normally related to excessive sexual activity and hygienic reasons. During sexual intercourse, the Prostate Gland expands due to an increase in the supply of blood before ejaculation can occur. If the blood supply to the Prostate Gland is always high, it will lead to clotting of the in the blood vessels that supply blood to the Prostate Gland thus causing it to swell permanently. When the swollen Prostate Gland presses against the urethra, various symptoms of difficulty in urination will occur. Unclean sex life will cause inflammation of the Prostate Gland which will result in swelling of the Prostate Gland.


Therapy using medicine and surgery will of course be very effective. However, such methods of treatment will harm the Prostate Gland itself and this will cause problem to men.


The fibers in FIR underwear are embedded with bio-ceramic materials. It is able to emit FIR which directly penetrates the body through the skin. Under the influence of FIR, blood circulation to the lower part of the body will be improved. Prostate Glands which are swollen and filled with blood clots will be normalized again and blood circulation to such areas will be improved, thus restoring their flexibility and their natural functions. As such, the swelling will be reduced gradually until it normalize, improving health conditions and reducing suffering. At the same time, it also revives and elevates the sexual function of men. In this respect, FIR underwear is unique for those suffering from ailments of the Prostate Gland and is also the best way of maintaining health. There is no need for injections or medicines. It treats and relieves suffering in daily life.


If is for the prevention of ailments of the Prostate Gland, then FIR underwear should be used a very early stage. It is capable of maintaining the normal functioning of the Prostate Gland and prevents ailments.




Ø       There are various types of FIR health care products. As stated above, there are many uses in wearing FIR .Actually, with the different products and applications, they offer many other health keeping effects.

Ø       We suffer from various types of ailments. No matter what the ailments are, they are directly connected with internal disorders of our body. Blood circulation, especially the condition of the micro-circulatory system directly affects the health condition of our bodies. This is in line with the traditional Chinese medical principle that "If it is unblocked, then it is not painful; and if it is painful, then it must be blocked".

Ø       If we can fully understand the properties and applications of FIR and fully utilize the FIR health keeping products it will definitely bring about better health to more people.

Ø       Note:

Ø       The Utilization of BIO-Ceramics which are capable of emitting FIR has been the subject of research of medical personnel and scientists from China, Japan and Korea who have been continuously researching into various fields of application of such material for the sake of human health.

Ø       As a leader in the introduction of FIR health products, the essential knowledge of various countries and in accordance with the weather, geographical conditions and culture of this region has introduced FIR health products into our daily lives. It has brought about a sharing of knowledge without considerations of national boundaries with only one common objective; to bring about a better and healthier lifestyle for mankind through the usage of FIR products as an alternative medicine.

Ø       We hope that our health and wellness products may be able to help you to rectify certain health problems you may have or to enable you to enhance your health for the future.

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