
Positive Attention for Your Body

It's the philosophy of "catch them being good." To start the process of appreciation, simply relax in any comfortable posture. Take a few deep inhalations and exhalations with your eyes closed or open.




Focus briefly on your feet and ankles and say, internally, "thank you." You can also say "thank you" externally if you so choose. Of course, you need to have some semblance of authenticity when you say this. It' can't be like a moody, broody teenager apologizing to an adult. There needs to be a genuine sense of appreciation for the feet and all that they do for you. It's truly remarkable what the feet do and they certainly do deserve appreciation! You can even say "thank you" to each toe if you choose.


From the feet and ankles move up to the knees. Focus on the knees and say "thank you." Then move up to the pelvis region which is a very complicated area housing not only the sexual organs but is also the seat of elimination which is terribly important. It is also a central point of balance. Focus on the pelvis region and the legs as a whole and say "thank you." You need not know all the various functions and components of each area you are thanking. It is enough that you have a general sense of the area and a recognition that it's functioning is very important in your life.


From the pelvic region move up to the abdomen. Here is the seat of digestion and our "guts." Courage, will power, decision making are the psychological associations to the physical process of digestion which takes place in this area. With your mind focused easily on your abdomen, say "thank you."


Then move up to the chest. Our respiratory and circulatory systems are housed in this area. Psychologically, it is our emotional center, the heart center. It is a treasure chest. All day long you hardly give the functions of this area of your body a thought. Now you can take just a brief second and say "thank you" for all that it does day and night, week after week, month after month, year after year….often without so much as a simple "thank you." Now, you can change that and say "thank you."


The next area is arms and hands. Remarkable appendages wouldn't you agree? If you have ever been without their use for a while, like a broken arm or hand, or even a broken finger, you know how valuable they are. Simply be aware of these limbs and the extremities and say "thank you." If you choose, you can say "thank you" to each finger.


Now move up to the throat. Another complex area. No need to focus on all the functions. Simply be aware of the throat area and say "thank you."


And then to the head. Wow. What a place! "Thank you!" If you choose, you can also focus on the ears, the eyes, the nose, the tongue, the teeth and whatever other specific components in the head area to which you would like to acknowledge appreciation. Next give a "thank you" to the entire spinal column. No need to get elaborate. Just think of your spinal column and say "thank you."


Then, in conclusion, let your awareness envelope the skin covering your whole body. The skin is actually an organ and serves numerous important functions. Be aware of the skin from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and say "thank you."


To end, take a few deep inhalations and exhalations – and that's it. You've completed the process of appreciation. It only need take a few minutes. As you become increasingly familiar with the process, you may begin to notice positive feelings and sensations in the body when you are appreciating it. You may find yourself smiling, maybe even laughing – and happy. That's what often happens with appreciation.


If there are parts of your body that aren't working so well, you can still appreciate it even if it's only partially working. You can thank a misbehaving child for what is being done correctly even if it's only half the time. The body, like the misbehaving child, is a manifestation of intelligence and will respond favorably to positive attention.


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