
Stay Near A Critic

Stay Near A Critic


-Translated from a true story narrated by Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu


Long time ago there was a great king in the Raghukul dynasty (Lord Rama also belonged to the same dynasty). He was suffering from leprosy. He fell on the feet of his master, Guru Vashishtha and

said: "Oh Master! So much of suffering... ?"


The master kept his hand on his eyes and asked him: "Look far. What do you see?"


"A huge sparkling golden mountain. And another black coal like mountain."


"One is the mountain of your good karma which gave you your kingdom, richness, power & fame. Another is the mountain of your sins because of which you have the painful disease, worries & troubles."


"Master! Is there a way to get relieved of these?"


"Eat up that mountain."


"Oh lord! Eating that mountain is out of my control."


"Then eat up the pile of garbage lying behind your palace."


"Oh great soul! I will not be able to eat that. Please tell me a simple way."


For a few seconds Guru Vashishtha made his mind peaceful and thought of a solution and said: "Sleep in a bed placed near main door of the palace of your widow sister-in-law everyday at 6:00 PM."


The king of Raghukul dynasty... In the palace of widow sister-in- law... ? What will people say? But there was no other solution. The king did as his master told him. Whoever passed by commented on the bad character of the king and humilated him. People even used abusive language. At ten o' clock in the night the king silently went back to his palace. The next morning he saw that a part of his body was cured. The next day the disease was further cured. In this way his body was getting cured day by day. His mind was also more peaceful now. On the fourth day Vashishtha ji kept his hand over his eyes and asked him to see again. This time he saw that the golden mountain of good karma was as big & sparkling as earlier but the black mountain of sins became very small.


Vashishtha ji said: "All those who spoke ill about you & criticized you have taken the portion of your sins. Now they'll have to suffer the consequences of your bad karma. You have become pure."


After two days that black mountain was reduced to a small pebble. The king was totally cured except for a small mark on his face.


"Oh Master!The big mountain has vanished and a small pebble is remaining now. There is a small mark on face now and a little grief in the heart."


"The remaining part is mine. Why should I commit the sin of criticizing & blaming an innocent & pure man and then bear the consequences? You bear the remaining yourself."


Whenever great men have come to earth whether it was Ramkrishna, Ramteerth, Raman Mahrishi, Buddha, Mahavir, Kabir, Guru Nanakdev, Socrates or Christ, their critics were always there. Many of their karmas of past lives (sanchita karma) are destroyed after attaining true knowledge. They are unattached to whatever karma they are doing in this life (kriyaman) so their followers & critics take these karma. They bear with the remaining karma (prarabdha) happily. They understand that happiness & sadness come and go. How can the material things which come & go disturb my real self? Thus those who have realized true knowledge never lose their balance of mind.


Two men were going somewhere. On the way they became tired. Both of them were troubled by the heat of the sun. thirst & pebbles lying on the road. One man being ignorant is complaining: "Oh My! I'm too tired. I don't know how far we need to walk." Thus these words of his are increasing his pain. The other one knows that there is just one kilometer left. He says: "When we've walked so much then we can easily walk another kilometer. How does it matter?" One is worried and the other is merry.


Similarly those who have realized true knowledge are on the same road of life as we are. We are ignorant and they have discovered the truth.


Do not get lost in your problems or successes. If you apply concentration in your day to day circumstances then even your harsh karmas will melt away by the warmth of knowledge.


If you get the blessings of the self realized saints then your road to salvation will become easy.




If you're too busy to manage, you're too busy to be a manager. Managers must take the time to plan, organize, staff, direct, control and innovate.




When putting time management ideas into practice, give them time. Nothing kills motivation like impatience.




If you're really enjoying yourself, getting lost in the activity of the moment, time does not progress in equal units.




Overtime was not cost effective since after ten straight hours of work, fatigue sets in and procrastination plummets.




To change caps to lower case, hold down the Shift key and press F3 with the cursor on the word you want changed. Keep pushing to go from lower case to upper and lower case.




You should assign, delegate or outsource any job that can be done at a wage or cost less than you earn.




Discussing problems with others eases stress. Perhaps that's why married people live longer than single people.

5 Proven Steps To Easily Master The Art Of The Interview And Get The Job Of Your Dreams

5 Proven Steps To Easily Master The Art Of The Interview And Get The Job Of Your Dreams!


Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to pop out of your chest!


Sound familiar?


For most people, interviews are uncomfortable. The mere thought of them causes anxiety and nervousness... and this is the last impression you want to give a bar manager during an interview!


The competition is fierce in this industry, so why do you always "bomb" during your interviews?


You probably walk out of them and after the fact think of all the things you could of said, how you could of answered certain questions, but this does not matter, its how you perform during the interview that gets you the job.


Theres already enough things out of your control you are competing with, so why work against yourself?


Let me show you how to be in your full power during the interview, so that scoring your dream job and leaving the competition in the dust comes easily and effortlessly to y




1) Dress The Part


Dress as thought you already work there, give the interviewer a rock solid visual of what youd look like behind the bar... this makes it more probable hed consider you for the job.


Remember also that this is the service industry! Unless you are applying to a five star hotel, theres no reason to show up in a suit and tie for the interview. This is trying too hard. Wear the same type of attire the employees wear.


2) Eye Contact


If you cant bring yourself to make eye contact with the interviewer, you can forget about getting the job.


When asked a question, if your look to the floor or to the side when answering it gives the impression you are not telling the truth for starters, but it also represents a lack of confidence, which is not something you find among good bartenders.


Look the person in the eye when speaking and more importantly, listening. This is easier said then done if you are in a habit of not doing it. But just becoming aware of it is it all takes.


3) Act As If


There is no better remedy out there than "acting as if...." Act is if you are the best bartender this person has ever seen. Walk into the interview with that attitude and youll be surprised at the energy you feel. You will tap into raw genius that you never thought you had! You will answer questions elegantly give the interviewer exactly what they want to hear.


4) Be Direct


Rambling and excessive talking is a sign of nervousness so avoid this at all costs. Be as direct and to-the-point as possible. Not in a rude way, just answer the questions without going overboard. The interviewer will appreciate this.


5) You Ask The Questions


This may sound like a shock to you, but it is not the interviewer that should be asking all the questions during an interview. The way you want to approach an interview from this point on is... you are interviewing them! You may find that they are not the best place to work for after all.


Have your own list of questions to ask the interviewer!!! The one who asks the questions is in control, this is not to say to not let them ask you any questions, but have some of your own to balance things out. This shows professionalism, dedication and preparation.

The Secret Of Happiness

The Secret Of Happiness


A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for 40 days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived.


Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food in that part of the world. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given the man's attention.


The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours.


"Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something", said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. "As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill".


The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was.


"Well", asked the wise man, "Did you see the Persian tapestries that are hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that it took the master gardener ten years to create? Did you notice the beautiful parchments in my library?"


The boy was embarrassed, and confessed that he had observed nothing. His only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man had entrusted to him.


"Then go back and observe the marvels of my world", said the wise man. "You cannot trust a man if you don't know his house".


Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and the walls. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the beauty of the flowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. Upon returning to the wise man, he related in detail everything he had seen.


"But where are the drops of oil I entrusted to you?" asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.


"Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you", said the wisest of wise men. "The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon".


World Time Calculator

{should be very useful to quite a few of you}

Lessons from the Life of an Ant

{Most of us always consider humans to be supremely intelligent.  Well, think again!  After the earlier PPTs which were on geese, eagles and elephants, here is what we can learn from an insignificant creature such as the ant}

Yahan Ke Hum Sikandar

Yet another motivational song for you... the lyrics are well written, but do we often absorb the meaning?

Yaha Ke Hum Sikandar 

Film: Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar


Vo sikandar hi doston kehlaata hai

Haari baazi ko jeetna jise aata hai

Niklenge maidan mein jis din hum jhoomke

Dharti dolegi ye kadam choomke


Hey vo sikandar hi doston kehlaata hai

Haari baazi ko jeetna jise aata hai

Niklenge maidan mein jis din hum jhoomke

Dharti dolegi ye kadam choomke


Jo sab karte hain yaaron vo kyon hum tum karein

Yoonhi kasrat karte karte kaahe ko hum marein

Gharwaalon se teacher se bhala hum kyon darein

Yahan ke hum sikandar

Chaahein to rakh lein sab ko apni jeb ke andar

Arre humse bachke rehna mere yaar

Nahin samjhe hai vo humein to kya jaata hai

Haari baazi ko jeetna humein aata hai


Ye galiyan apni ye raste apne kaun aayega apne aage

Hey raahon mein humse takrayega jo hat jayega vo ghabraake

Yahan ke hum sikandar

Chaahein to rakh lein sab ko apni jeb ke andar

Arre humse bachke rehna mere yaar

Nahin samjhe hai vo humein to kya jaata hai

Haari baazi ko jeetna humein aata hai


Ye bholi bhaali matwaali pariyan jo hain ab daulat pe qurbaan

Jab keemat dil ki ye samjhengi to humpe chhidkengi apni jaan

Yahan ke hum sikandar

Chaahein to rakh lein sab ko apni jeb ke andar

Arre hum bhi hain shehzaade gulbaag

Nahin samjhe hai vo humein to kya jaata hai

Haari baazi ko jeetna humein aata hai


Niklenge maidan mein jis din hum jhoomke

Dharti dolegi ye kadam choomke

Hey niklenge maidan mein jis din hum jhoomke

Dharti dolegi ye kadam choomke


Nahin samjhe hai vo humein to kya jaata hai



A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking

A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking


Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from speakers today. In addition, because of the entertainment slant of most media today, audiences want a presentation delivered with animation, humor, and pizzazz.


If you would rather spend your time preparing your content than reading a book on public speaking, this is an article especially for you! From my experiences in delivering over l500 speeches during the past 20 years, here is a quick guide to giving an effective and interesting presentation your very first time.


Begin with something to get the attention of the audience. This might be a startling statement, statistic, or your own story. Listeners pay close attention when a person begins with, "Two weeks ago as I was driving to work a car pulled out in front of me…." You could begin with a current event: "You might have read in the paper this morning about the flood that…." A question is another way to make people listen. "How many of you feel our society spends too much on medical care?" might be a way to begin a presentation about curbing costs. Whatever technique you use, when you grab the attention of the audience you are on your way to a successful speech.


Second, be energetic in delivery. Speak with variety in your voice. Slow down for a dramatic point and speed up to show excitement. Pause occasionally for effect. Don't just stand behind the lectern, but move a step away to make a point. When you are encouraging your audience, take a step toward them. Gesture to show how big or wide or tall or small an object is that you are describing. Demonstrate how something works or looks or moves as you tell about it. Show facial expression as you speak. Smile when talking about something pleasant and let your face show other emotions as you tell about an event or activity. Whatever your movements, they should have purpose.


Structure your speech. Don't have more than two or three main points, and preview in the beginning what those points will be. With each point, have two or three pieces of support, such as examples, definitions, testimony, or statistics. Visual aids are important when you want your audience to understand a process or concept or understand a financial goal. Line graphs are best for trends. Bar graphs are best for comparisons and pie graphs are best for showing distribution of percentages.


Tie your points together with transitions. These could be signposts such as "First," "Second," or "Finally." Use an internal summary by simply including the point you just made and telling what you plan to talk about next. "Now that we have talked about structure, let's move on to the use of stories," would be an example. When you have an introduction, two or three main points with support for each, appropriate transitions, and a conclusion, you will have your speech organized in a way that the audience can follow you easily.


Tell your own story somewhere in the presentation--especially in a technical presentation. Include a personal experience that connects to your speech content, and the audience will connect with you. You want to help the audience link emotionally with what you are talking about, and the personal experience does that. With almost any topic you might choose, you have at least one "war story" to relate to the topic. When you tell the story, simply start at the beginning and move chronologically through the narrative, including answers to the "W" questions: "Who," What, "When," "Why," and "Where."


To add interest and understanding to your speech, include a visual aid. A visual aid could be an object, a flip chart, a PowerPoint presentation, overhead projector slides, or a dry erase board. Whatever visual you are using, make sure everyone can see it. The best way to insure this is to put the visual where you will be speaking, and then find the seat farthest from it and determine if you can read the visual from that seat. Introduce the visual properly rather than simply throwing it at your audience; explain what the visual will do before you unveil it. Don't allow the visual to become a silent demonstration. Keep talking as you show the visual. You are still the main event and your visual is an aid. Look at your audience, not your visual. When the visual is not in use, hide it from the audience. Humans are a curious lot, tending to keep looking at the object and losing track of the speaker—you!


If you are delivering a persuasive speech, in addition to your own stories include testimony of experts whom the audience respects and whose views reinforce your points. Add a key statistic when possible to show the seriousness of what you are discussing. For example, if I were discussing the need for improved listening to better serve your customers, I might add that although we spend half of our communication time in listening, our listening efficiency is only about 25%. By using stories, testimony, and statistics in your persuasive talk, you add depth to your evidence.


Look at the audience as you speak. If it is a small audience, you can look at each person in a short period of time. If it is a large audience, look at the audience in small "clumps" and move from one clump to another. One way to insure good eye contact is to look at your audience before you start to speak. Go to the lectern and pause, smile, look at the audience, and then speak. This will help you maintain good eye contact throughout your presentation as well as commanding immediate attention.


One of the ways to have consistently good eye contact is not to read your speech. Use note cards that have key words on them. The word or phrase should trigger the thought in your mind and then you can speak it. If you are including a quotation or complex statistics, reading from your note card actually lends credibility. If you write out your speech you will tend to read it and lose eye contact with the audience, as well as not being as enthusiastic in delivery as when you speak from note cards.


Include a "wow" factor in your speech. Something in your speech should make your audience think, "Wow!" It could be a story, a dramatic point, an unusual statistic, or an effective visual that helps the audience understand immediately. With a "wow" factor, you then have something to look forward to in the speech that you know will have an impact on your audience. You'll become a more enthusiastic speaker because the "wow" factor will get you as well as your audience pumped for the speech.


Consider using a touch of humor in your speech. Don't panic at this suggestion; you are not becoming a comedian but rather lightening up a serious speech so that people will be more accepting and interested in your ideas. Humor will help you to be perceived as an amiable person, and it is hard for people to disagree or be bored if they are smiling at you. Until you have lots of experience, keep your humor short. Perhaps inject a one-liner or a quotation. Yogi Berra said a lot of funny things. "You can observe a lot just by watching" for example. Tell a short embarrassing moment in your life that you might have thought not funny at the time. Now that you can laugh at the experience, you understand the old adage, "Humor is simply tragedy separated by time and space." Don't poke fun at your audience; you should be the object of any shortcoming, showing that you can laugh at yourself. Avoid long stories or jokes. Even seasoned speakers know that funny stories soon become unfunny if they go on too long. Probably the least risky use of humor is a cartoon. The cartoon is separate from you and if people don't laugh, you don't feel responsible. (Be sure to secure permission to use it.)


Finally, leave the audience with something to think about. People remember best what you say last. You might summarize your main points, or you might complete the statement, "What I want you to do as a result of this presentation is...." But beyond that, make your last words a thought to ponder. For example, I might end a speech on becoming a better speaker with "As Cicero said centuries ago, 'The skill to do comes with the doing.'"


A more modern guide to effective public speaking was penned by some unknown sage: "Know your stuff. Know whom you are stuffing. Know when they are stuffed."


One never becomes a "perfect" speaker; developing public speaking skills is a life-long experience. But the points discussed here will get you started in becoming the speaker you want to be and the speaker your audience wants to hear.


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