
The Angry customer

Allegedly a true story from the old airport in Denver: a major airline had cancelled a very busy flight and a lone check-in agent is busy trying to sort out all the displaced passengers.

A very angry and aggressive man barges his way to the front of the queue to confront her. He says that he is flying first class and demands to go on the flight. The agent politely explains the situation and asks that people take their place in the queue.

The man bellows at her, "Do you know who I am?" - at which the agent calmly picks up the microphone for the PA system, and announces to the airport, "This is (airline name) desk 64; we have a gentleman here who does not know who he is. If anyone can come and identify him please do so."

The man, now purple with rage, yells at her, "Well f**k you.." - to which the agent replies, "And you'll have to stand in line for that as well, Sir..."

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