
The Art of Wellness in a Nutshell

10 Questions to Ask Yourself for Self-Growth

10 Questions to Meditate Upon

Turning Your Weight Loss Vision Into Reality

In The Dr Phil 20/20 Diet, Dr. Phil McGraw identiļ¬es seven reasons other diets fail people over and over again: hunger, cravings, feeling of restriction, impracticality and expense, boredom, temptations, and disappointing results or plateaus. 

Then, he addresses each of these roadblocks by applying the latest research and theories that have emerged since his last best seller on the same topic, The Ultimate Weight Solution. 

Dr Phil 20/20 Diet - Turn Your Weight Loss Vision Into Reality

Dr. Phil and his team have created a plan that you can start following right now and continue working for the rest of your life! Take the time to visit the Amazon site and check out consumer reviews of the book and the diet! 

The Dr Phil 20/20 Diet - Turn Your Weight Loss Vision Into Reality 

I hope this review is helpful, as this is the whole reason I am taking the time to write this. I did receive an advanced copy of this book, through another website, and am sharing my review on here as well.

Let me start by saying I have read many different diet books, and this is in the top tier of them. Its informative and easy to follow. Basically, DR. Phil doesn't just tell you what to do and what results to expect, but he goes into detail on why. For me, understanding the reason behind things makes it easier for me to motivate myself. After reading this book, I shy away from less healthy foods simply because I can envision the damage they are doing to my body, and not just because I know they are "bad".

The major purpose of the book is to identify the foods your body needs to "fuel" itself properly. Basically, how to put super unleaded in your car, instead of cheap gas that overtime will break down the system. This is done in 3 phases.


These 3 phases are two 5 day and then followed up by a 20 day.

Phase 1 (days 1-5): "Boost" - You eat every 4 hours, increasing metabolism, with basic foods.

Phase 2 (days 6-10): "Sustain" - Same pace, but now adding in more diversity of foods.

Phase 3 (days 11-30): "Attain" - Same pace, but by now all foods have been added in.


The approach to food is simple. Dr. Phil knows that we simply can not eliminate foods forever. So what he does is just have you "put them off" for amounts of time. This allows you the comfort of knowing you will eventually have that piece of cake or other goodie you love. However, since he is keeping it space out, you have controlled "slip ups" and only end up having these treats a harmless amount of times over the course of the program, or however long you choose to live your lifestyle this way.

Discover Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes

Adam Leipzig gives a simple, precise and quick method for understanding our purpose and how to express it to the public.

He breaks the concept down into 5 parts for you to ask yourself. Some of the answers might not come to you right away; really think about each one and take your time to answer honestly.

1. Who you are

2. What you do

3. Who you’re doing it for

4. What those people want/need

5. How they change as a result

Fast. Easy. Simple.

Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive and distributor. and has produced more than 300 stage plays and live events, and he was one of the founders of the Los Angeles Theatre Center. 

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