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Good Habits

“We believe, based on our experience, that good behaviors are indeed contagious.” 

DO NOT watch this video in office or whilst driving!

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Do Positive Affirmations Work?

why positive affirmations work for some people sometimes, and why it doesn't for some other people

3-Step Guide to Managing Headaches

Migraine sufferer and director of the Stanford Headache Clinic, Robert Cowan, MD, provides a closer look at migraines and a helpful guide on how to best manage this, most common form, of headaches.

How Bad Do You Want It

Never giving up on your dreams and overcoming different obstacles makes you the person you are today. Whether its failures or success, everything is planned, but we must take control of every situation. Here is my journey to my first physique show. Take Risks, Make Goals and Never giving up on Yourself! Big thanks to Jenny 'Worth It' for believing in me.

Full Moon Silhouettes is a real time video of the moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington

I am Flying

Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  little  boy  who  was  raised  in  an orphanage. The little boy had always wished that he could fly like a bird. It was very difficult for him to understand why he could not fly.


There were birds at the zoo that were much bigger than he, and they could  fly  "Why  can't  I?"  he  thought.  "Is  there  something  wrong  with me?" he wondered.


There was another little boy who was crippled. He had always wished that he could walk and run like other little boys and girls.


"Why can't I be like them?" he thought.


One  day  the  little  orphan  boy  who  had  wanted  to  fly  like  a  bird  ran away from the orphanage. He came upon a park where he saw the little  boy  who  could  not  walk  or  run  playing  in  the  sandbox.  He  ran over to the little boy and asked him if he had ever wanted to fly like a bird.


"No,"  said  the  little  boy  who  could  not  walk  or  run.  "But  I  have wondered what it would be like to walk and run like other boys and girls."


"That is very sad”, said the little boy who wanted to fly. "Do you think we could be friends?" he said to the little boy in the sandbox.


"Sure." said the little boy.


The  two  little  boys  played  for  hours.  They  made  sand  castles  and made  really  funny  sounds  with  their  mouths.  Sounds,  which  made them  laugh,  real  hard.  Then  the  little  boy's  father  came  with  a wheelchair to pick up his son. The little boy who had always wanted to fly ran over to the boy's father and whispered something into his ear.


"That would be OK," said the man.


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The little boy who had always wanted to fly like a bird ran over to his new friend and said, "You are my only friend and I wish that there was something that I could do to make you walk and run like other little boys  and  girls.  But  I  can't.  But  there  is  something  that  I  can  do  for you."


The little orphan boy turned around and told his new friend to slide up onto  his  back.  He  then  began  to  run  across  the  grass.  Faster  and faster he ran, carrying the little crippled boy on his back. Faster and harder he ran across the park. Harder and harder he made his legs travel. Soon the wind just whistled across the two little boys' faces.


The little boy's father began to cry as he watched his beautiful little crippled son flapping his arms up and down in the wind, all the while yelling at the top of his voice, "I'M FLYING, DADDY. I'M FLYING!"


Why did our ancestors use copper utensils?

This is the modern explanation for same.

Even Gangajal, a sacred water is stored in copper vessel and it remains for years forever, this is nice one.


Copper can destroy undesirable virus & bacteria. It is interesting that the Ayurveda new this, when bacteria were unknown to science! Ayurveda recommends storing water in Copper Vessels.

Ancient Egyptians used Copper Vessels to keep water fresh.

Even today, management of Siva temple at Rameswaram uses large sized Copper vessels to store water brought from river Ganges to offer to lord Siva. Water, stored thus, stays fresh for years together.

According to scientists, copper vessel can be the answer to kill the `E-Coli' bacteria which causes food poisoning. British scientists are carrying out research on copper and concluded that copper ions kill these harmful bacteria, a capability not found in any other metals including gold.

It is interesting to see that a research group from Southampton University found that Coli 157 bacteria can live happily in stainless steel vessels for months together, while copper vessel at room temperature can kill them in just four hours. At 20 degree Centigrade, in the stainless steel vessel, those bacteria live for 34 days, while in brass vessel they live only for 4 days.

Thus if one uses copper vessels for storing water in factories, shops, hospitals, restaurants, we can get rid of the risk of these food poisoning bacteria. Though stainless steel is much used for its shine and cleanliness, the copper is more useful material for vessels.

Copper and Fertility:

The advantages of drinking copper water was pointed out by Andrew Saul, Contributing Editor for the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, while speaking on fertility, conception & family planning. In his own words -"If you want to conceive, try having the man take mega doses of vitamin C for a few weeks prior. At least 6,000 milligrams a day, and as much as 20,000 mg/day guarantees very high sperm production. Divide the dose throughout the day for maximum effect. And that effect is what, exactly? More sperm, stronger sperm, and better swimming sperm all occurred, at even lower daily C doses, in a University of Texas.

Continued high doses of Zinc can produce a Copper deficiency & sometimes a Copper deficiency anemia. This is very easy to compensate for. To begin with, most Americans have copper water pipes in their homes. Drink a glass or two of cold water first out of the tap every morning and you'll get copper. Secondly, eat more raisins and other Copper-high foods. Third, take a multiple vitamin (as you should be doing anyway) with Copper in it.

Finally, do what those sexpots in India have been doing for thousands of years. Buy a Copper metal cup, fill it with cold water at bedtime, and drink it first thing the next morning!!!

It is also seen that Copper water becomes "sharp" and gets readily absorbed by our body, reaches cells in about 45 minutes. Hence, it is generally recommended that after Ushapan (Drinking water in morning), one should give a gap of 45 minutes before taking tea or coffee. Copper water is also recommended to people suffering from vitiligo, where it helps formation of melanin. After starting on copper water, many do not need cold water to satisfy the thirst. With yoga, pranayama and other breathing techniques, senses become so sharp that taste and quality of water can be sensed adequately. Though copper water is slightly ionic, it does not cause gastric acidity to increase. On the other hand, due to increased Agni and digestion, acidity reduces...


Contributed by: HSGRAO @ GMAIL.COM


Are you as Ambitious as Steve Jobs, Maradona and Picasso?

Ambition, by definition, is to have strong inner desire in order to achieve something plus the willingness of striving in order to achieve it. The goal can be in terms of wealth, education, job promotion, honour or fame. When you are ambitious you posses great deal of energy inside your brain and heart. This energy acts as fuel to perform all the necessary steps in order to achieve what you want to achieve. You play your ‘games’ like Maradona; you imagine and paint your 'life portraits' like Picasso and you act like Steve Jobs when it comes to creativity and innovation.


However this does not mean that if you do not have expertise as those of Maradona or Pablo Picasso or Steve Jobs, you cannot be ambitious. The purpose of mentioning these personalities is that the level of energy you should be striving for should be as that of such personalities. You should not limit the size of your dreams. People who aim high, achieve high. It doesn't matter who you are; what matters is what you want to be.


So if you are ambitious, check yourself against these qualities:


1- Do you have a concrete goal? Have to your tried writing your short term and long term goals on a piece of paper. Trust me, it helps a lot. Even I suggest writing it on a paper and paste it somewhere in your room so that you keep looking at it multiple times a day.


2- Do you have solid vision on how you are going to achieve it?  Have you thought what actions do you need to perform? Have you arranged the resources in order to move ahead?


3- Are you a genuine ambitious person having burning desire to achieve? Know this story? Once a young man asked Socrates the secret to success. He took the young man to the river and ducked him into the water. The boy tried hard to take his head out but Socrates was strong enough to hold him there for some more seconds. Then later Socrates asked him what was the most important thing he wanted when the head was in water? They boy said, "Oxygen and I was too desperate to have it". Socrates said, “this is the level of burning desire which you must possess for your goals. When you have it, you will succeed”


Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. So the core advice of this article is to have a Analytical thinking, concrete action plan, fearless mind-set, positive thought process and consistent attitude in order to convert your ambitions into realities. Develop the power of now and start behaving the person you want to be.


Contributed by: mjunaidtahir @ gmail.com

5 Steps to Providing Good Constructive Criticism

As soon as you hire someone you’ll need to start providing constructive criticism. Whether you do it in a formal manner (performance evaluations), or you do it on-the-fly at a project-by-project level, doesn’t really matter; constructive criticism is part of the game.


Constructive criticism is important; employees need to understand where they’ve gone wrong, and how they can improve. It’s not about treating people like crap, or being negative…it’s about raising the bar, matching your expectations and helping people improve.


How can you do it well?

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Here are 5 steps:


    Plan before you do it. Make sure you know what you want to say, and why. Have a clear path through the discussion. Leave room for questions and dialogue. Keep the conversation open and flexible, but make sure you plan to get your key points across.

    Build the person up. Before you get to the criticism itself, focus on positives. Highlight some of the good work the person has done recently, goals that were met or surpassed. Emphasize positive, solid qualities that the person brings to the table. This isn’t about over-inflating egos or setting a person up for a fall; it’s about making sure the person understands they are valued and important, even if the next thing you’ll be doing is pointing out some problems.

    Provide clear criticism. Now it’s time to bring your concerns to the table. Do it as concisely as possible. And as clearly as possible. Don’t waffle around. Get to the point. Your approach will differ depending on the person you’re speaking to; some would rather you spit it out, others require a slightly more delicate approach. Still, it’s best to make sure your criticisms are as clear as you can possibly make them. Otherwise it makes it difficult to set a clear path towards improvement.

    Build the person up again. Focus on solutions. Focus on re-emphasizing the positive, while keeping an eye on what needs to be done to improve. Open it up for discussion…“What do you think of my assessment?” Or “What do you think of your recent performance?”The goal at the end of a session like this is to leave the employee understanding the problems, and having a path towards resolving them, without feeling like crap.

    Follow up. This exercise should never be undertaken without follow up. It may be another meeting scheduled with the employee. It may be an impromptu session, where you review the progress made. If the person knows there’s follow up, they’re going to feel more confident that the criticism isn’t hanging over they’re heads forever. It’s not a permanent dark cloud. Follow up can erase constructive criticism, if the person has improved and met goals. Always follow up. Even if it’s a quick compliment on a job well-done and not a formal second review. Follow up.


Giving constructive criticism is part of being a boss. You need to evaluate employees and measure their success.


When providing constructive criticism you want to make sure you get the message across and set goals, without demoralizing or devaluing the person


Contributed by: mjunaidtahir @ gmail.com

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