
Are you a Vegetarian? Then this is what you need/lack...

If you're a vegetarian, or just don't like the taste of meat, it's important to know to add certain nutritional values to your diet, or you may end up being malnurished in some way. So, to keep your body and mind healthy, check that your daily intake covers them all!


Calcium, as you probably know, helps build bones and teeth (which are also bones) as well as helping the neurons in your body to transfer messages to the muscles. Fish are an excellent source of calcium, but if you're vegetarians, you can get this essential mineral from dairy products, enriched soy products, nuts, legumes and green vegetables, broccoli, okra and cabbage.


Iodine is essential for your metabolism, as in converting material into energy, as well as the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is usually found in sea fruit and so many vegetarians suffer a lack. Vegetarian sources include cooking salt, table salt and enriched dairy products.


The body requires iron to make hemoglobin which carries the oxygen in the blood stream. Red meat and poultry are a great source of iron, but if you are looking for vegetarian alternatives, you can get your iron from dried fruit, legumes, seeds, vegetables and whole wheat grains and flax seeds. Take into account that when you take these with coffee, tea or cacao, their absorption rate goes down because these products contains mixtures that block the absorption of iron. This is the reason why vegetarians are advised to consume iron with sources rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, peppers, strawberries and guavas, which markedly improve its absorption.

Omega 3

DHA and EPA are two type of the omega 3 fatty acid, and they are important to the development of both the eyes and the brain, as well as keeping your heart healthy and ticking. Omega 3 is mainly found in fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, but can also be consumed from vegetarian sources such as flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil, flax oil, soy oil and soy products. Some types of energy bars also have omega 3 in them.


Every cell in our body contains protein, and we need it in order to fix cell damage, build tissues, grow hair, fingernails and bones. Protein is in almost every food we eat, and so there's a large variety of vegetarian sources: Soy, beans, bran, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, almonds and eggs to name a few.

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Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps produce red blood cells and DNA, and is required for the neurological functioning of the body. It is found naturally in meat, but is also added to foods like soy milk and energy bars, and can also be found in eggs and various cheeses like yellow cheese, mozzarella cheese, pate cheese, cottage and eggs.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is important to bone health, as well as serving an important function in the nervous system, the muscle system and the immune system. The body makes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun, but modern living as well as cloudy environments, don't always allow enough exposure. Vegetarian sources for vitamin D include: Milk and enriched soy milk, certain mushrooms, banana and avocado.


Zinc is extremely important if you want a functioning immune system and body cells. Although it can be found a-plenty in beef, you can also consume it from soy products, peanuts, hummus, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, wheat germ, oatmeal and a variety of legumes, if in smaller concentrations.

The Absent Minded Professor

An absent-minded professor was moving to a new house further along the same street. His wife knew that he was prone to forgetting things and so she wrote down the new address on a piece of paper he went off to college. She handed him the paper and the key to the new house and reminded him not to go back the old address.

That morning, one of his student asked him a complex question and the professor wrote the answer down on the back of the slip of paper. This student asked whether he could keep the paper.

Forgetting what was on the other side, the professor said, "Certainly."

In the evening, he returned out of habit to the old house, tried the key and could not get in. Realizing his mistake, he search in his pockets for the slip of paper with the new address, but off course there was no sign of it. So he wandered along the street and the stop the first personable-looking lad whom he saw.

"Excuse me, I'm Professor Galbraith. You would not happen to know where I live, would you?"

"Sure, dad," said the boy.

Analyzing Thoughts

Why Should I Analyze My Thoughts:

Quality of thoughts determines the level of peace of mind. Negative thoughts result in negative acts which in turn causes distraction in emotions, unstable behavior, frequent mood swings, family complications, lack of trustworthiness, financial mistakes, professional brawls and so on. Healthy thoughts result in more positive outcomes, high happiness index, better health and so on. So all in all your thoughts are defining your present and your future.

There are several reasons for negative thoughts including but not limited to your circumstances, your brought up, financial situations, family conflicts, job and family complications. While you may not be able to fix these reasons, it is highly recommended to analyze your thoughts and mitigate the negative impact as much as possible. If you remove the impurities from your thoughts you would be able to have a positive, focused and prosperous mind.

How to Analyze My Thoughts:

If you have seen a big aquarium, you must have noticed that the fish keep wandering here and there continuously. From right to left, bottom to up, here and there; all day long. They don't seem to be getting any specific advantage while doing so. Same is the case with human mind. When your head is on the pillow, your brain starts wandering here and there. Several times it is processing the thoughts which shouldn't be the point of concern at all. Though fish do not know this but you can control your wandering of brain by picking up a specific thought/subject and ask these questions:

a) Why am I thinking about this subject? Is this subject related to others? Why am I thinking negative about someone? I should mind my own business.

b) What exactly is the issue? Is this something impacting (or going to impact) me or my family? Can I define my issue/question in one sentence clearly so that I can focus on the solution?

c) How: can I resolve this issues? Is this doable? If not, can I take advice from others?. If I have the solution then what are the steps which needs to be taken?

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How Can I Improve the standard of my Thoughts:

a) Avoid thinking about unnecessary things specially related to others. Mind your own business. Posses a focused mind.

b) Stop comparing yourself to others. It's an insult to yourself. You are a unique soul and you are independent on your living, your decisions and your destiny.

c) Don't think of monetary gains too much. Excessive love for money and assets is the root of most of stresses. Work on your real wealth.

d) Develop the habit of forgiving and letting things go off. If you are keeping the grudge in your brains for longer durations, you are killing yourself. Stress is a slow poison which deepens its roots your brain and destroy your physical and mental health.

e) Read quality quotes or articles on positivity and try to absorb the message. This will kill the germs of negativity.

f) Practice the habit of gratitude. Stop complaining, criticizing and blaming. When a negative thought comes in, convert it to positive by looking at the positive side of the issue.

g) Instead of thinking about your 'wants' too much, think about your needs. This will reduce the magnitude of your focus because usually needs are limited but wants are too many. Adapt simple life style as it reduces unnecessary socio-economical issues.

Analyzing Thoughts

Why Should I Analyze My Thoughts:

Quality of thoughts determines the level of peace of mind. Negative thoughts result in negative acts which in turn causes distraction in emotions, unstable behavior, frequent mood swings, family complications, lack of trustworthiness, financial mistakes, professional brawls and so on. Healthy thoughts result in more positive outcomes, high happiness index, better health and so on. So all in all your thoughts are defining your present and your future.

There are several reasons for negative thoughts including but not limited to your circumstances, your brought up, financial situations, family conflicts, job and family complications. While you may not be able to fix these reasons, it is highly recommended to analyze your thoughts and mitigate the negative impact as much as possible. If you remove the impurities from your thoughts you would be able to have a positive, focused and prosperous mind.

How to Analyze My Thoughts:

If you have seen a big aquarium, you must have noticed that the fish keep wandering here and there continuously. From right to left, bottom to up, here and there; all day long. They don't seem to be getting any specific advantage while doing so. Same is the case with human mind. When your head is on the pillow, your brain starts wandering here and there. Several times it is processing the thoughts which shouldn't be the point of concern at all. Though fish do not know this but you can control your wandering of brain by picking up a specific thought/subject and ask these questions:

a) Why am I thinking about this subject? Is this subject related to others? Why am I thinking negative about someone? I should mind my own business.

b) What exactly is the issue? Is this something impacting (or going to impact) me or my family? Can I define my issue/question in one sentence clearly so that I can focus on the solution?

c) How: can I resolve this issues? Is this doable? If not, can I take advice from others?. If I have the solution then what are the steps which needs to be taken?

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How Can I Improve the standard of my Thoughts:

a) Avoid thinking about unnecessary things specially related to others. Mind your own business. Posses a focused mind.

b) Stop comparing yourself to others. It's an insult to yourself. You are a unique soul and you are independent on your living, your decisions and your destiny.

c) Don't think of monetary gains too much. Excessive love for money and assets is the root of most of stresses. Work on your real wealth.

d) Develop the habit of forgiving and letting things go off. If you are keeping the grudge in your brains for longer durations, you are killing yourself. Stress is a slow poison which deepens its roots your brain and destroy your physical and mental health.

e) Read quality quotes or articles on positivity and try to absorb the message. This will kill the germs of negativity.

f) Practice the habit of gratitude. Stop complaining, criticizing and blaming. When a negative thought comes in, convert it to positive by looking at the positive side of the issue.

g) Instead of thinking about your 'wants' too much, think about your needs. This will reduce the magnitude of your focus because usually needs are limited but wants are too many. Adapt simple life style as it reduces unnecessary socio-economical issues.

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