

"Execution is the missing link between aspirations and results."

n  Ram Chara/Larry Bossidy

 "While others cling to the beauty of their great ideas, be one of The Rare Ones with the courage and passion to make the leap. And act."

Ideation without execution is delusion. The greatest idea in the world is useless without the discipline to make it happen. If you can't create tangible results around your idea then it's pointless. They do what they will say they will do. Very simply, they are meticulous about accountability.  Being accountable means that you are committed. That you will achieve the results you promised. Too many people avoid being accountable by blaming circumstances. (Blaming others or circumstances is simply excusing yourself).

When you do execute take a moment to congratulate yourself. Acknowledge that you have made the journey from idea to result. You may also want to tell some others as well.

n  Robin Sharma


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