
This is a Great Day

Contributed by: Aarthi Vijayasarathy

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

  -Frederick Keonig-

If it seems you're having a difficult day, that's not really the case.

Though today you may have experienced certain difficulties up to this point, those difficulties do not have to define the day.

The rest of this day will be what you make it.

You can choose right now to make it positive and productive.

Those difficulties and frustrations that had you thinking this was a difficult day can quickly be left behind.

You can in fact make this a truly great day.

Take a deep breath, and be sincerely thankful for the experience and the wisdom you've already gained today.

Then point your energy in a positive direction.

Choose to make this moment a turning point.

Instead of allowing random events to control your attitude, select an attitude that will move you forward.

This is a great day.

Beginning right now, you have what it takes to live that reality.

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