
Perhaps it's time to kick the television habit

Perhaps it's time to kick the television habit


Does TV stand for "Time Vaporizer?"


Watching TV has outdistanced any other leisure activity, taking up 37 percent of the average American woman's spare time and 39 percent of a man's, according to statistics quoted in Marshall J. Cook's book, Time Management: Proven Techniques For Making The Most Of Your Valuable Time. [Adam's Media, 1998.] At the same time, findings by the American Demographics magazine [June, 1996] indicates 45 percent of the people surveyed reported "less free time than five years ago."


Is TV now in the same category as a car, and considered a necessity? Are people too tired after work to do anything else? Or are we being brainwashed into spending what little leisure time we have parked in front of the boob tube? Whatever the reason we have a choice. If we want to build relationships, expand our knowledge, participate in new ventures and experience more of what life has to offer, we should question how we spend our time.


I'm really not excited about freeing up time through time management techniques, only to have it gobbled up the one-eyed monster in our family room. Did I say family room?


Here are a few suggestions that might keep TV from devouring your life.


v      Keep a record of the number of hours you watch TV during a typical week. You may not have a problem. Then again you may be surprised. It may motivate you enough to make some changes.

v      Plan your TV viewing for the week, block out that time in your planner, and stick to your plan. This will avoid impulse viewing.

v      Change your mindset so that you view programs, no TV. Pick and choose carefully. That hour between your two favorite shows could be better used on something else.

v      Tape the shows you want to watch and view them at a time that doesn't compete with family time, sports activities, exercise etc. You can fast-forward through the commercials and save more time.

v      Take a one-week vacation from the TV set. If you don't go into withdrawal, you may find that you are actually enjoying life more.

v      Intentionally schedule activities with family, friends so they'll conflict with your normal TV viewing time. It's easier to resist when you have something else planned.

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