
Zen Magnets : Highest rated Demo on the Web

This is highest rated Magnet Sphere demonstration video on the web.
Zen Magnets are small but curiously strong rare earth super-magnets, 5mm in diameter. How powerful? 8 Times more powerful than the ceramic magnets driving your speakers. 30 Times more powerful than the average fridge magnet.

Pull them into a chain, fold them into a fabric, and meld them into limitless shapes: both abstract and geometric, flat or 3D. Use them when you need to massage your mind, practice your patience, relieve some boredom or alleviate some stress.

Head feeling a bit dull? Maybe your brain just needs to get up and stretch a bit. You know, give it some exercise, get the blood flowing; make that gray matter in your skull stronger, faster. If allowed, Zen magnets can be a great workout for both hemispheres of your brain: The left brain - directing the right hand - that is responsible for logic, math and language. The right brain - controlling the left hand - that is responsible for spatial abilities, creativity and visualization. With total creative control,
Zen magnets are more than the average puzzle advent, they are an enjoyable means to actual mental development.

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