
The Fly in a Tea Cup: A Matter of Perspective

As he was about to sip his tea, the disciple noticed a fly just fell into his cup. The master saw the grimace in the disciple's face and leaned forward with concern. "What's the matter?"

"Oh nothing" the disciple said. "Its, nothing jus' a fly in my tea" the disciple added with a little smile, after all he didn't want his master to think that a little fly can disturb him.

"Oh a fly in the tea" the master said in a low tone.

"Its no problem" the disciple reassured with a smile.

But the master with concern written all over his face, continued to focus on the cup. He swiftly rose from his chair, leaned and dipped his finger, much to the displeasure of the disciple, into the tea taking the fly out with great care and left the room.

A while later the master returned smiling saying "He's going to be alright" and he explained how he placed the fly on the leaf of a bush, exposed to sun,  so that its wings can dry. "He's still alive and will take flight soon" the master added confidently and looked absolutely content, indifferent to disciple's missing good tea.

Then the master turned towards the disciple and added, "Its not a question of the tea, but the life of a fly. You can always get another cup of tea but the fly wouldn't have got another life".

Author unknown

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