
Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom herb or cumin cardamom is referred to as the Queen of spices and is popularly referred to as cardamom / elaichi in India and the Indian subcontinent. Apart from its aromatic fragrance used for flavoring foods, cardamom uses range from it being a digestive system tonic to an essential oil in aroma therapy. Here are some Cardamom has a strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, resinous fragrance. Black cardamom has a distinctly more smoky, though not bitter, aroma with a coolness some consider similar to mint.

Health benefits of cardamom / Elachi 

·         Cardamom fights against gas. It helps to relieve gas and heart burn.

·         Cardamom gives instant relief from the headache. (Applying the paste over forehead gives the relief.)

·         Cardamom is useful for the protection against heat stroke. One should chew a cardamom while going outside home in sun.

·         Aromatic cardamom acts as breath freshener because of its fragrance.

·         Cardamom is very good refinement spice against caffeine. (Detoxifies caffeine).

·         Helpful in balancing all the three doshas that's why termed as "tridoshic"Little quantity of cardamom is beneficial in balancing kapha".

·         Useful in various kinds of respiratory disorders. In sore throat beneficial.

·         Cardamom also helps in asthma and whooping-cough. Make a paste by adding cardamom powder and honey.

·         Regular use of this mixture will give you relief from asthma and whooping-cough.

·         Cardamom has very good anti-spasmodic abilities so it is very helpful in stopping spasms and tremors.

·         Cardamom helps in the stimulation and regulation process of discharge of gastric juices and balances stomach acids.

·         Cardamom helps greatly to cure teeth gum and tooth infections.

·         Cardamom supports the detoxification process of the body and helps to filter the entire body.

·         Cardamom is useful in the problems of urinating. You just have to eat cardamom added in to amla, curd, or honey.

·         Cardamom warms the respiratory tract and by doing this, it increases the circulation to the lungs.

·         It helps those suffering from stomach cramps (cardamom +long pepper clarified butter).

·         Cardamom is a boon for vocalists as it helps in improving voice.

·         It has some role in relieving hiccups.

·         It is one of the antidepressant in Ayurveda.

·         Good remedy in vomiting.

·         Cardamom's aroma has encouraging effects on the nervous system. It gives healthy feelings during the period of weakness.

Contributed by: asharaj53 @gmail.com

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