
Brain Builders and Brain Drainers

contributed by: Ahmed Imam

Some foods help the brain work better, some foods drag down brain performance. Be smart and feed your children foods that will make them smart (and also eat these foods yourself, too).



·  Avocados

·  Bananas

·  Beef, lean

·  Brewer's yeast

·  Broccoli

·  Brown rice

·  Brussel sprouts

·  Cantaloupe

·  Cheese

·  Chicken

·  Collard greens

·  Eggs

·  Flaxseed oil

·  Legumes

·  Milk

·  Oatmeal

·  Oranges

·  Peanut butter

·  Peas

·  Potatoes

·  Romaine lettuce

·  Salmon

·  Soybeans

·  Spinach

·  Tuna

·  Turkey

·  Wheat germ

·  Yogurt

·  Alcohol

·  Artificial food colorings

·  Artificial sweeteners

·  Colas

·  Corn syrup

·  Frostings

·  High-sugar "drinks"

·  Hydrogenated fats

·  Junk sugars

·  Nicotine

·  Overeating


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