
Victory over Negative Thoughts

Positive and negative thoughts are a part of everyone's life. But negative thinking can harm our lives by influencing our thinking on a long term basis. Here are some tips to tackle such negative thoughts. All negative thoughts can be controlled, converted and replaced with a happy or a positive thought.


What To Do When A Negative Thought Creeps In


  • Simple, take it in and throw it out. Some can do it as simply as this, while for others it can take some time.
  • People who worry take a bit longer to overcome a negative thought than non-worriers. But it is not to say that negative thoughts cannot be overcome at all.
  • As soon as you get a negative thought try and identify it – is it a thought, feeling or action.
  • As soon as you identify the negative emotion, you can objectively view it and discard it.
  • Get busy with things like studying, sports and reading or hobby classes and don't allow negative thoughts to creep in.
  • And even if they do, so what? Develop a 'So what!' attitude and you will notice a difference.


Negative Thoughts And You


  • Most of the times, we end up blaming a situation or a person for our negative thoughts. But the fact is we ourselves are responsible for our own happiness.
  • You can choose to be happy or sad. Hence, you can choose to think positively or negatively.
  • Remember it's all in your mind and to overcome it, you need determination and will power.
  • Having faith in the almighty is another weapon against negative thoughts.
  • Imagining the worst case scenario allows you to look at negative thoughts in the face and it will stop bothering you.



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