



Kriyas to beat migraine


Kriyas help rid the body of toxins and strengthen the 72,000 nadis, which are the channels of energy in our body and form a kind of electrical circuit. Usually we fall sick when a problem occurs in this circuit.


The two kriyas being given to you today will help clean out the nasal passages. They help control migraine as they have an effect on the nerves that end in the nasal passage and they have a soothing influence on the brain to reduce tension in the face and the mind. You need to practice these regularly for two months to see the difference. Also try and practice them each time you feel the onset of migraine.




Exercise 1:

You'll need a special 'neti pot' - one end is a nozzle. The nozzle should not be too thick or pointed and should fit comfortably in the nostril.


Exercise 2:

You will need a 'sutra' or thin rubber catheter (size 4, 5 or 6, depending on the size of your nostril).



It is advisable you attempt these exercises the first time under supervision. Both exercises should be avoided by people suffering from chronic nose-bleeding. Exercise 2 should not be practiced by those with nasal ulcers, polyps or septum malformations.



Ü      Add one tea spoon salt to half litre lukewarm water and pour it into the neti pot

Ü      Stand with your legs apart, bend forward and tilt your head to one side, as shown. Keep the mouth open so that you can breathe through it    

Ü      Place nozzle of neti pot in the nostril that is facing upwards and slowly pour water into it. The water will flow out through the other nostril

Ü      Straighten up and blow your nose gently to remove any mucous

Ü      Now, close one nostril and rapidly exhale 10-15 times through the other

Ü      Repeat the process with the other nostril

Ü      L astly, inhale and exhale rapidly 10-15 times with both the nostrils open.



Ü      Sterilise the rubber catheter. You can lubricate this with ghee or butter so that it slides easily through the nasal passage.

Ü      Stand comfortably and relax

Ü      Raise your hand to the nostrils and check which nostril is flowing more freely    

Ü      Tilt your head back a little. Gently insert the narrow end of the sutra into the dominant nostril. Twist it and keep inserting it gently downwards (never straight up) towards the floor of the nose. Keep your mouth open

Ü      The thread will come out from the throat. Insert your index and middle finger to pull the sutra out through the mouth, leaving a few inches hanging out of the nose    

Ü      Hold each end and very gently pull the thread backwards and forwards 2-3 times

Ü      Remove it through the mouth

Ü      Repeat with other nostril.


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