
The Mind - Man's Friend or Foe?

The Mind – Man's Friend or Foe?


Scientists tell us that an average man utilizes only 30% of his brain capacity. Scientists also hypothesize that the remaining unused portion of 70% is a vestigial organ much like the appendix or tonsils. Long ago, the brain served our stone-age ancestors well - keeping warm, avoid dangerous animals, and to kill neighboring tribes. Today, it is believed that the remaining mass of 70% of a man's brain interferes with his normal ability to relax and to enjoy himself. It is also a known fact that the brain/mind is prone to many diseases.  So, why worry about a man's carcinogens, murder and war, when the real cause of misery and death - is worrying about these things! The real cause of worry is the mind of a man!  Yet, how can he not worry?  In a more serious note - 


Is the  MIND  a man's best  friend  or  really his foe?


Man derives his name from the possession of the mind.


As a man thinks, so he becomes.


Man means mind, and mind means man. Mind is a bundle of thoughts in the brain.


Thoughts give rise to actions, and what a man enjoys or suffers in this world are the consequences of these actions.


It follows, therefore, that only when a man's thoughts are good will his life be good. Thoughts are highly potent.


They survive the death of man. Hence it is essential to keep out bad thoughts from the mind.


It is bad thoughts that separate man from man and make them forget their common divinity.


When men realize that the Atma in every body is one and the same, there will be no room for differences.


So, let us not get lodged in the mind by desire, hatred and fear.  Let us live in the knowledge of...


Om Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu


(Om, the Lord Let all the beings in this Universe be happy)

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