
Mantra Meditation Methods - SoHam Meditation

Mantra Meditation Methods – SoHam Meditation


Mantra meditation can be practiced in the following ways :


So Ham Mantra Japa


'So Ham' is the mantra of the natural breath meaning : "I am That " or "I am the breath".


In So Ham, the whispering breath sound is synchronized with the Mantra, in such a way that during inhalation, the sound resonates like 'So' and while exhaling it resonates as 'Ham'.


Synchronizing thus, has the effect of watching your breath with the Mantra


The mental repetition of this mantra, along with the sound and awareness of breath in the frontal passage. helps to focus the practitioner's awareness internally. The higher mind (the consciousness) remains a passive witness to the awakenings of the mental impressions which arise through meditation practice.




Helps awaken the Anahata Chakra. Helps in balancing the emotions, resolution of past traumas, improves emotional detachment, also an excellent post-natal and pre-natal meditation technique to develop bonding with your baby.


Ajapa Japa


The constant repetition of Mantra is called Japa. Japa becomes Ajapa (spontaneous) japa when the repetition occurs automatically without effort.


Ajapa Japa is very powerful in that it can take a practitioner from the elementary stages to the most advanced meditation.


Any mantra can be used for Ajapa Japa, although So-Ham is the most common as it is synchronized with the breath.


During inhalation feel the prana or energy rise upwards from the navel to the throat. During exhalation feel the prana descend from the throat to the navel.




Helps remove blocked impressions from the deeper layers of the mind; develops clarity of perception, wisdom; reveals the understanding of the functions of mental consciousness.


Bead Meditation (Japa using mala)


The mala is made up of 108 beads , with one larger bead known as Sumeru to mark the beginning/end of the mala. Half mala beads(54) or quarter mala beads (27) can also be used. The mala used for meditation should be kept in a cloth bag stored in a clean and private place and used only for Mantra Japa. It should not be worn as a necklace.


Courtesy: http://www.healthandyoga.com  

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